We are shocked and grieved by the atrocities and declaration of war
between Israel and Palestine. Our prayers go out to all affected by this conflict and for the human rights of all. See the "Events" page on this website for information about up-coming events. We look forward to welcoming you! Let us pray for one another and for the state of the world. Mission: The mission of the CSRA Women's Interfaith Network is to promote deeper understanding and respect among women of diverse faith traditions by getting to know one another, honoring the richness of culture, history, and diversity among our members, and participating in respectful discussion about our faiths. We look for opportunities to promote unity and celebrate our diverse expressions of common divine values by increased dialog across our faith communities. Tangible Ways WIN-CSRA Can be a Source of Unity:
Membership: Women of all faith traditions or no faith tradition and all ethnic and racial origins are welcome to attend our meetings. Our members are from the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) which includes Augusta GA and surrounding counties. There are no fees to attend meetings sponsored by CSRA WIN. Mailing list: For updates on our meetings and activities, you may subscribe to our mailing list by filling out and submitting the form below. |